INFORMATION ON THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA OF USERS OF THE SITE can be found in articles 13 and 14 of the “REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as the free circulation of such data and which repeals Directive 9S / 46 / EC (general regulation on data protection).”

We provide the following information on the methods of processing personal data collected following the interaction with the website starting from the URL
In case of exit from the domain and visit to other websites whose links can also be inserted in the web pages published on the site, it is necessary to refer to the information on the protection of personal data on the aforementioned other sites’ webpages.

The data controller and contact details are ARCADIA di Bertolini Andrea Via Donato Bramante n.32 Loreto (AN) Ancona VAT number 02715810426 and email

Type of personal data processed

The data controller processes personal identification data of the type better described in the following paragraphs:


The computer systems and software used to operate the site can acquire personal data.
This category of data includes: IP addresses; the domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site; the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​addresses of the requested resources; the time of the request; the method used in submitting the request to the server; the size of the file obtained in response; the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user’s computer environment.

The site also uses cookies.

The list of cookies installed by the site is shown:
– technical cookies:

– _gat_gtag_ […], stored in the visitor’s device until the browser is closed (session cookies);
_g¡d, whose data are processed for a maximum of 24 hours;
– analytical cookies: Google Tag Manager, _ga, whose data are processed for a maximum of 24 months;

Cookies are computer files or partial data consisting of text strings that can be saved on your computer (or other devices enabled to browse the internet) when you visit a website.
Usually a cookie contains the name of the website from which the cookie itself comes, the duration of the cookie (how long it will remain on your device), and a value, which is usually a unique number generated randomly.

Some cookies are strictly necessary for the functionality of the site, others allow you to optimize its performance and offer a better user experience, while others are used to collect data relating to user behavior on the website.

Cookies have a precise duration and according to it can be divided into:
– persistent: once the browser is closed they are not destroyed but remain up to a preset expiration date;
– session: they are destroyed every time the browser is closed.
Technical cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of some areas of the site or to improve the user’s browsing experience.
In the absence of these cookies, the site or some portions of it may not work as expected.
The technical cookies on this site have the purpose of improving the navigation of the site itself; remember your consent to the use of the cookie, in order not to have to request your authorization after opening each web page.
Analytical cookies are used to collect information on the use of the site by users and collect aggregate data regarding the number of users who have visited the website and their behavior.
Third-party cookies are used to integrate third-party software products and functions, such as third-party domains and partner sites that offer their functionality on the pages of the site.
The various web browsers can be set to not accept third-party cookies, to do this we invite you to read the instructions of your browser by clicking, for example, on the item “Help” or “Help” in the relative menu.
Most Internet browsers are initially set up to accept cookies automatically.
It is possible to change these settings to block cookies or to receive alerts about the cookies that are sent to your device.
To disable the use of cookies (totally, individually or by third parties) or delete any cookie files that may already be present on your computer, read the browser instructions, for example by clicking on the “Help” or “Help” menu item.

Further information on cookies and how to manage them can be found by consulting the website


The user who visits the site and intends to receive information and subscribe to the newsletter or to be updated over time on the offers and services provided, is required to provide his / her e-mail address, name and has the right to communicate other personal data.

Legal basis of the processing
The personal data processed by the site are used for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning.
The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of hypothetical computer crimes against the site and its owner.
By browsing the site, the use of cookies and other personal data deriving from the use of software and internet protocols is considered authorized.
By disabling the use of cookies from your browser, certain functions and pages may not work as expected.
If the interested party does not intend to communicate the personal data requested in the contact form, it is not possible to send the electronic material for which the request is made.
With regard to the data provided by the interested party, he/she is responsible for the truthfulness and the fact that there are no elements of a direct, indirect or subliminal nature or advertising purpose or that could cause injury to the personal or property rights of third parties.
The data provided will be processed for the entire duration of the requested services as well as for the time necessary to fulfill legal obligations.
There are no automated decision-making or profiling processes.

Recipients or categories of recipients of personal data
Without the need for express consent, the Data Controller may communicate your data to Supervisory Bodies, Judicial Authorities, as well as to those subjects to whom communication is mandatory by law. These subjects will process the data in the their capacity as independent data controllers and external managers.

Transfer and dissemination of data 
There is no intention of the data controller to transfer personal data to a third country (i.e. non-European) or to an international organization.

Rights of the interested party
ARCADIA di Bertolini Andrea guarantees to be able to exercise at any time the rights provided for by art. 12 of the GDPR. In particular, you have the right:

– to know if the Data Controller holds and / or processes personal data relating to your person and to access it in full also by obtaining a copy (Article 15 Right to access),
– to correct inaccurate personal data or to integrate incomplete personal data ( Art. 16 Right of rectification);
– to the cancellation of personal data held by the Data Controller if one of the reasons provided for by the GDPR exists (Right to Cancellation, 17);
– to ask the Data Controller to limit the processing only to some personal data, if one of the reasons provided for by the Regulation exists (Article 18 Right to limit the processing);
– to request and receive all your personal data processed by the owner, in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device or to request transmission to another owner without hindrance (Article 20, Right to Portability);
– to object in whole or in part to the processing of data for the purpose of sending advertising material and market research (so-called Consent) (Article 21 Right of opposition)
– to object in whole or in part to the processing of data in automatic mode or semi-automatic for profiling purposes (so-called Consent)
The exercise of these rights can be exercised by communicating to the Data Controller whose contact details are indicated in the appropriate section of this information.
Furthermore, you always have the right to lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority, which can be contacted at or through the website .